50 Year Anniversary for Occupation of Wounded Knee Events (Updated)
Updated due to cancellations and rescheduling:
The Wounded Knee Occupation 50th Anniversary is on! We've posted a number of flyers highlighting the events and activities over the weekend in South Dakota, We hope to see you there! Look at the gallery for this post to see the event flyers. Also streaming online free from today until Monday February 27 you can watch the Documentary "Warrior Women" (for free!) Here is the link –> https://conta.cc/3ZjTKFn
Quoted from the Lakota Times "WOUNDED KNEE – Since September, meetings have been held to plan out a series of events marking the 50th anniversary of Wounded Knee 1973; four days of events include marking the 40th anniversary of KILI Radio, a day honoring the women warriors of Wounded Knee 1973, an Anniversary Wacipi and a four direction walk ending at the WK mass gravesite.
The four days open on the evening of Friday, February 24, in Rapid City at Oaye Luta Okolakiciye where the 40th anniversary of KILI Radio will be celebrated with a meal, a recognition and awards ceremony, a hand drum competition, a poetry slam and social dancing.
On Saturday, the 50th anniversary of Wounded Knee 73 moves to Pahin Sinte Owayawa in Porcupine where the Women of Wounded Knee 1973 will be honored with round table discussions, an interactive oral history exhibit and question and answer sessions about the history of Wounded Knee 73. The day will wrap up Saturday evening with the Sounds of Resistance concert at Porcupine School." Read the whole article here https://www.lakotatimes.com/articles/wounded-knee-73-50th-anniversary/?fbclid=IwAR2YTrjNhMI5ID5Gqn28dv_RV-50muGgFUK8L7SBLaUiJo7L7y6NxXtjZ7g