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Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Why this is important OAK FLAT, ARIZONA Oak Flat located 2 miles East of Superior, AZ is the 2nd largest riparian area in the US and...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
"Across Indian Land" on "La Onda Bajita" Feb. 27th,2015
"Across Indian Land" on "La Onda Bajita" Feb. 27th, 2015 Greetings all my relations! This is your host,...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Native Lives Matter: A 15-page report detailing the unequal treatment of Native Americans by the Un
The release runs parallel to a large march led by Lakota People’s Law Project Attorney Chase Iron Eyes, who has led the Native Lives...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
KPFA 94.1 "Across Indian Land" on "La Onda Bajita", February 20, 2015
In this radio segment of "Across Indian Land" on "La Onda Bajita" at KPFA 94.1 fm, last night I was...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Inter-Tribal Community Memorial Service for Tomas Reyes
Greetings Relatives, An inter-tribal and community memorial service to honor the life of Thomas Reyes, will beheld at Intertribal...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Special guest Ms.Sarah James, from Gwitch'in Village
Saturday, March 21, Special guest Ms.Sarah James, from Gwitch'in Village (100 miles north of Arctic Village!) is speaking at California...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
The Battle for the Sacred Medicine Lake Highlands
We need YOU to join us! From time immemorial, the Medicine Lake Highlands, also sacredly known to the Pit River People as "Saht Tit...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
A message from Leonard Peltier:
Greetings My Friends, Relatives and Supporters: I know that many of you have concerns about the status of my situation and have been...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
La Onda Bajita - February 13, 2015 "Across Indian Land"
La Onda Bajita - February 13, 2015 at 8:00pm "Across Indian Land" from Friday night's show! The program is...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Press Release: John Swetts High School Mascot; Indians, Removed after 90 years
Press Release John Swetts High School Mascot; Indians, Removed after 90 years By: Angel Heart - Rodeo, CA. Sacred Sites...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
It is with heavy heart to announce the passing of our friend, and brother, in the ranks with AIM, Co
Tomas who always stepped up when help or support is needed, was also a Long Walker (across the USA), a Veteran, a Scholar and Sun Dancer....

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
This weeks segment of "Across Indian Land" with special in studio guest Madonna Thunder Hawk
This weeks segment of "Across Indian Land" features Companero Armando Rendon, author of "Chicano Manifesto" (1971) and Penny Opel to talk...
Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Press Release: Carquinez Coalition to Change the Mascot (CCCM)
Press Release Carquinez Coalition to Change the Mascot (CCCM) By: Angel Heart February 4, 2015 Rodeo, California- In October of 2013,...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Brava! for Women in the Arts, AIM West & Dr. Jose Cuellar present In Spirit of Flying Eagle: A Jim
A Tribute Concert - Remembering & Reflecting Premiere Native American Saxophonist Jim Pepper (June 18, 1941- February 10, 1992),...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
“Liberation Day” event will commemorate the 42nd anniversary that began at Wounded Knee
At the Inter-tribal Friendship House, 523 International Boulevard, in Oakland on Friday, February 27. The “Liberation Day” event will...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Indigenous Block at the March for Climate Leadership
On Saturday, February 7th, Ogawa/Grant Plaza (14th & Broadway, Oakland - 11:30 am) people will be arriving from all over California to...
Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Bay Native Circle program aired (1/28/15), hosted this week by Vince Medina (California-Ohlone)
In the excellent and in-sightful interview describing his book, author Elias Castillo, "A Cross of Thorns: The Enslavement of California...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Boarding School Tribunal releases findings and recommendations
By Brenda Norrell Censored News GREEN BAY, Wisconsin -- The Truth Commissioners of the Indigenous Peoples Boarding School Tribunal held...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Urge Pope Francis to abandon his decision to canonize Junipero Serra abandon his decision to canonize Junipero Serra as "the great evangalizer" and apologize...

Antonio Gonzales
Sep 30, 2021
Family and parents of Marceleno Gonzalez, 20years old, now in stable condition after being shot twice by Richmond Police Thursday January...
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