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In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day and the anniversary of the occupation of Alcatraz, A.I.M. West presents a new feature documentary about one of the most influential people in Native American history.

This is a benefit for AIM-West, an inter-tribal human rights & treaty rights-based organization in San Francisco, established in November of 2007.


Filmmaker Reception: Tues, Oct. 12, 4:00 pm @ 518 Valencia. Public is welcome!

Date: Tuesday, October 12

Time: 6:00 PM (159 minutes)

Location: Roxie Theater

Screen: Big Roxie

World Theatrical Premiere!


The Legacy Of Dennis Banks

  • Introduced by Michael Horse (actor, artist, & activist)
  • Director: Marie-Michèle Jasmin Bélisle
  • Producer: Takeo Koshikawa
  • Madonna Thunder Hawk, IN PERSON!
  • Length: 85min

The year is 1968. Nowa Cumig, Better known by his English name Dennis Banks, has started a movement with a few friends that would soon make ripples through history: the American Indian Movement.


The taking of Alcatraz, the Custer Riots, the B. I. A. takeover, and the Wounded Knee siege are all events that have since marked the rise of indigenous rights in the United States. Leonard Peltier, Floyd Red Crow Westerman, Russell Means, the Bellecourt brothers, Sacheen Littlefeather… all names that would go down in the history books. But where did Dennis Banks – or Nowa Cumig – get this fire to lead the fight? What came before these events, and most importantly what followed them?


This film endeavors to look at the bigger picture by opening the door into the life of one of the most influential men in Native American history, using archival footage from films such as LAST STOP AT WOUNDED KNEE, THE DRUM WILL NEVER STOP, and THE HOPI PROPHECY, as well as photographs by Richard Erdoes and excerpts from his and Dennis’ book the Ojibwa Warrior”.


No-one turned away for lack of funds.


For more info, email


  • The Roxie continues to operate at a 50% capacity limit.

  • Purchasing your tickets in advance is enthusiastically recommended!

Plus Short:

What Really Happened at Standing Rock | I Was There

Director Gabriela Dematteis, IN PERSON!

In 2016, indigenous water protectors and their allies gathered at Standing Rock to oppose the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline under Lake Oahe and the Missouri River. Chase Iron Eyes, a member of the Great Sioux Nation and Lead Counsel for the Lakota People’s Law Project, was one of those water protectors. Through his personal testimony and supporting protest footage, Chase recounts his experience at Standing Rock and its lasting legacy. Directed by Gabriela Dematteis, with support from Lakota People’s Law Project and the Romero Institute.  13:11 mins.

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